I.A.L.T. use similes in my 100 word challenge.
I.A.L.T. edit my work.
I achieved this activity because I used three similes and I edited my work.
I enjoyed this activity because I like writing with my imagination and also because I like things that have action and destruction in it.
Next time I need to use more adjectives in my writing
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Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Friday, 25 November 2016
Tip Top Trip
I.A.L.T. write a recount with descriptive words.
I achieved my learning intention because I included an onomatopoeia, a simile and descriptive words.
I enjoyed typing my recount up on a google doc. Next time I need to work on adding some more similes and some more descriptive words.
Friday, 11 November 2016
Character Analysis
My Reflection
I.a.l.t relate to the characters in the text to understand their purpose.
I achieved the success criteria because I was able to talk about the character's behaviour, I was able to show examples from the text of the book and I was also able to connect the behaviours of characters with people in life. Next time I need to work on finding more evidence.
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Persuasive Speech
I was learning to write, plan and present a persuasive speech.
I think I achieved my success criteria because I did well on using persuasive language, my speech was in between 2-3 minutes, I had good facts to back up my argument, I had an introduction a body and a conclusion and a loud and clear voice.
Next time I write or present a speech I will need to work on the pace of my voice and learning my speech.
I think I did well at using persuasive language.
Monday, 7 November 2016
Telling the Time
My Reflection I was learning to express time on analogue clocks, digital clocks, and words. In this activity I had to look at the analogue clock then type in the digital time and then type in the time in words. I think achieved this activity because I am good at telling the time. My next steps in learning time is to learn a 24 hour clock.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Tapa Cloth Art
I was learning about Tapa Cloth. I used a shell adn flower design. I used repeated patterns and one third brown dye, one third black vivid and one third brown paper.
I learnt that Tapa Cloth is made from the mulberry tree. I enjoyed drawing the patterns on the Tapa Cloth.
Next time I need to make sure that my patterns are the same as each other.
Monday, 12 September 2016
Finding Lines of Symmetry
WALT find lines of symmetry in different shapes.
I found this easy because I know what lines of symmetry are.
My next step is to just do them instantly.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Describing 3D Shapes
I have been learning to recognise and describe 3D shapes. I found this easy because I imagined that I could see it in all directions.
My next step is to just know how many edges, vertices or faces it has.
Sam's Glasses
I was learning to do a novel challenge.
I found it hard to answer the favourite part of the book. I found it easy to do the summary of the story .I need to work on describing the characters more.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Cross Country
Friday, 26 August 2016
Comparing Fractured and Traditional Fairy Tail
I am learning to compare a traditional and fractured fairy tail. I found this easy because I worked with a buddy. Next time this will help me write my own fairy tail.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Subtracting Decimals
I was learning to subtract decimals. I had to subtract the whole numbers first and then subtract the decimals. I thought it was easy because My next step is to subtract decimals with hundreths.
I was learning to subtract decimals. I had to subtract the whole numbers first and then subtract the decimals. I thought it was easy because My next step is to subtract decimals with hundreths.
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Olympic Tagul
I was learning to extend my Olympic vocabulary. I found it challenging to do this activity. I need to find more adjectives.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Adding Decimals
I was learning to add decimals. I had to first add the whole numbers and then the tenths and hundredths. I thought it was easy because i'm really good at adding.
I was learning to add decimals. I had to first add the whole numbers and then the tenths and hundredths. I thought it was easy because i'm really good at adding.
Decimals, Fractions and Percentages
My Reflection
I was learning that decimals, fractions and percentages are different ways to show the same value. I had to match the decimals, fractions and percentages that were equivalent to each other. I thought it was easy because I played the decimals, fractions, percentages game so I learnt how to show the same value.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Reading Around the World
I am learning to find and summarise information in non fiction text by skimming and scanning. I didn't do much skimming and scanning. I need to work on skimming and scanning.
I am learning to find and summarise information in non fiction text by skimming and scanning. I didn't do much skimming and scanning. I need to work on skimming and scanning.
Friday, 5 August 2016
A Moment in Time
I was learning to use strategies to add more detail to my writing.
I need to add more detail to my writing. I also need to work on using onomatopieas.
Friday, 29 July 2016
Rio Olympics Comprehension Questions
I am learning to answer a range of comprehension questions. I learnt that the Olympic games started in 1894 Ancient Greece. I need to work on answering my questions in full sentences.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
what am I?
I was learning to measure my body parts in metres and centimetres. I found it easy to do this because I know how many centimetres are in one metre.
Friday, 1 July 2016
Matariki Acrostic Poem
I found it kind of challenging because it was tricky to find good adjectives. I need to work on finding better adjectives.
Friday, 24 June 2016
Matariki Presentation
My Reflection
I was learning to research information and summarise main ideas. I found it tricky to research because there wasn't much information on most websites. Next time I will try to explain it better with my own words.
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Explanation Writing
My Reflection
I am learning to write a simple explanation and find information that's relevant to my topic. I found it kind of challenging to to write this explanation because my topic was tricky I need to improve on making my sentences not to long.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Simplifiying Fractions
My Reflection
I have been learning to simplify fractions. I found this fun because maths is my favourite subject. My next step is to simplify mixed fractions.
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Pepeha Art
I am learning to design a visually attractive and clear representation of my Pepeha that reflects my learning pathway. I am proud of my blending because I did it really well.
Friday, 15 April 2016
Extending Vocabulary
IALT extend vocabulary.I learnt that capsized means overturn.
Summarising Shark Rescue
IALT summarise a story in a hundred words.I found it challenging to summarise shark rescue in a hundred words because the chapter was so long and you could only use 100 words.
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Comprehension Questions
WALT Answer comprehension questions. I found it easy to answer my comprehension questions because I understood what it meant.
Monday, 21 March 2016
Retell of Garlunk
I am learning to retell a story. I found it easy to find the problem and solution/outcome for Garlunk.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Our Te Tuhi Art
Last week I went on our Te Tuhi visit.We did the Wish You Were Here workshop. This is my picture. I enjoyed looking at the artist's work.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
The Midnight Pig
I have been learning to read for a sustained time period.I have done a retell on my story. I found it tricky to retell the story and I wasn't sure about the problem and solution.
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Identifying and Classifying Numbers
My Reflection
We have been learning to identify odd and even numbers,and numbers less than 20.
We did an activity Nrich using a venn diagramme.
I found this easy because I know my even numbers and multiples of 5 very well.
My next step is to make my voice louder while recording.
Monday, 22 February 2016
Bio poem
Bio Poem
Happy,funny,smart and clever.
Son of Sonal,brother of Aarav.
Lover of onion rings,ice-cream and cake.
Who feels good, happy and lucky.
Who needs family, books and maths.
Who gives old toys, money and books to the poor.
Who fears white tail spiders, wasps and crabs.
Who would like an xbox, a pet hamster and a skateboard.
Who comes from Noida India and lives in Auckland New Zealand.
We are learning to write a Bio Poem.
I found it tricky to brainstorm some ideas.
Next time I will work slowly so I don’t make so many mistakes.
Monday, 15 February 2016
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Welcome to my 2016 blog
Welcome to my Year 4 learning blog. This year I am in Room 14 and my teacher is Mrs Prendergast. I enjoy playing sports. This year I am looking forward to getting better at maths. I hope you will enjoy my blog and leave lots of feedback.
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